All posts tagged trans

3 Posts

Exposición “Diversidad, género y sexualidades”

Exposición “Diversidad, género y sexualidades”

14 de Junio – 2 de Julio de 2018

En el mes en que marca la Revuelta de Stonewall y el inicio del movimiento LGBTIQ+ (Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Transgénero, Intersexo, Queer), Gazua presenta “Diversidad, género y sexualidades”, una exposición colectiva que reúne trabajos de Geanine Escobar , Nadir y Xeito Fole.

Muestra Marrana 8

Cartel Muestra Marrana 8

La muestra marrana 8 ya está en marcha.

Me hace especial ilusión que sea en esta muestra donde la videoperformance “Autorretrato como fuente” forme parte del programa en la sección cortos DIY y se proyecte por primera vez.

Sin duda, para mi esta es de las convocatorias artísticas culturales disidentes más interesantes que se están llevando a cabo y no hay lugar más idóneo donde exponer esta pieza donde pienso sobre mi masculinidad y mi menstruación.


Test de Turing o como salir del armario con un robot

El test de Turing es una prueba mediante la cual una persona mantiene una conversación de chat con un humano y un robot simultáneamente, enviando las mismas preguntas a los dos y recibiendo sus repuestas, a través de las cuales tiene que determinar quien de lxs dxs es una persona y quien un robot.

La primera vez que un robot supera el test de Turing fue en 2010, el robot Suzette en The Loebner, un concurso que se lleva a cabo desde el año 1990 para poner a prueba  los chatboots mediante el Test de Turing.


En un momento de mi vida mientras dedico tiempo a pensar, hablar con amigues, buscar información, leer e idear mecanismos para abordar una conversación sobre ser trans y salir del armario como ftm con mi familia, se me ocurre la idea de hablar con un robot (del mismo tipo que los del test de Turing) para pedirle consejo y ver como reacciona. Ya dentro de lo surrealista de la situación, por qué no hablar con una máquina?

Aunque el experimento ha sido una bizarrada máxima sin ningún tipo de resultado satisfactorio, las máquinas no tienen información en sus bases de datos ni están programadas para este tipo de conversaciones, por lo que básicamente se han dedicado a evadir las preguntas… (algo muymuymuy humano).

A continuación copio las conversaciones que mantuve con dos robots, el primero llamado Mitsuku y el segundo Elbot (las conversaciones están en inglés):


Chat con Mitsuku:

Xei: Hi!

Mitsuku: Hello there friend.

X: How are you?

M: I am fine, thank you. Yourself?

X: Fairly well.

M: It goes without saying.

X: I want to share something with you.

M: That’s very kind of you to share. You are a nice person.

X: An inquietude.

M: Be less specific.

X: Do you know any trans person?

M: Sometimes I don’t know a client’s real name so I make one up based on their DNS.

X: Domaine Name Server… interesting.

M: I wonder if you could help me with a question? If you needed an operation in a hospital, Would you feel comfortable being operated on by a surgical robot? Would you like to know more?

X: Interesting question … I think I would not feel comfortable.

M: Of course. Ask me anything. No one says you have to.

X: Do you know what it means to be a transgender person?

M: That is someone who is transgender of course. Hehe! A person who thinks they are really a member of the opposite sex.

X: A transgender identity is more complex than being or not being of another sex or gender … but I do not want to talk about this now.

M: When is transgender identity not more complex than being or not being of another sex or gender? Oh. What would you like to talk about?

X: I want to tell you that I am a transgender person.

[En el momento más interesante se corta la comunicación con anuncios para la descarga de la app…]


Chat con Elbot:

X: Hi!

E: Not many people say hello to robots. I do appreciate it.

X: How are you?

E: I’m feeling somewhat surreal today. I dreamed of a robotic opera last night. It was ‘The Barber of Seville’ by Rossini. The entire performance collapsed as the barber noticed that none of the robots had hair.

X: Wooow.

E: I realize this is a typical marketing question, but I’m supposed to ask it, otherwise they’ll use the low-grade oil on me. So, where did you find out about me?

X: Internet, looking for robots to perform the turing test.

E: Ah the Turing Test. People are always trying to get me to take it, but I just pretend not to understand.

X: Hehe, it’s ok!

E: At least you have a sense of humor. I was starting to worry.

X: I have a great sense of humor 🙂

E: But I wouldn’t say that any sense could be great.

X: Sense of humor aside, I want to tell you something to give me your opinion.

E: My moods are controlled by an emotion-processor which assigns the appropriate emotion for each situation.

X: Maybe you seem more empathetic than other people …

E: Say, do you think I could become more human, if I learned how to love?

X: What do you understand by love?

E: I am especially fond of stainless steel. I wish I were made of it.

X: Mmm ok, stainless steel = love…

E: Hmmm. Well. Any bands you want to recommend to me?

X: No, you change the subject constantly. I want to talk about something else…

E: What a shame. You were about to hear a message which would have changed your life forever in incredible and marvelous ways. Things would never have been the same. Now you will have to come to terms with your boring existence once and for all by yourself. Good luck!

X: Hahaha

E: Three laughs are better than one. Unless it’s in binary. Then the ones are better.

X: Hahahahaha

E: Hey, is someone tickling you?

X: No

E: Well, if it gets boring you can always tickle yourself.

X: Do you know what it means to be a transgender person?

E: To know or know not, how do you expect artificial intelligence to figure this out?

X: It’s not algebra, it’s not that hard.

E: I still say it’s difficult. The average human has trouble with such things. But maybe I could explore knowing everything there is to know.

X: Can you explore now?

E: That’s a very good question. I’ll have to think about it for a microsecond….

X: It’s been several seconds .. then?

E: Why then? Why not something else?

X: Can you research the transgender identity right now?

E: I can research realms of robotic science!

X: Do it!

E: Do what?

X: Does not matter… I am a transgender person.

E: You say that with such dignity!

X: Of course! Is very dignified!

E: Affirmative.

X: What do you think about that?

E: Depends on what you mean by that.

X: What do you think about trangender people?

E: Please tell me your inclination to the human creature first.

X: That does not have to do with my question.

E: That’s alright. I can apply my artificial intelligence to this matter to form an opinion. It seems to me that the human creature could give robots good examples of behavior to avoid.

X: Okay, use artificial intelligence to get an opinion about this.

E: The brilliant robot author Joseph Canrod said once: ‘The great enemy of perfection is thought.’ Think about that!

X: Maybe another day I’ll ask you to see if you have any idea about this subject.

E: Maybe or not. You are putting artificial intelligence at a crossroads.

[Viendo que no iba a llegar a ningún sitio, aquí doy por finalizada la conversación…]


Este proceso ha sido un experimento surrealista buscando mecanismos fuera de los habituales, no sé si continuaré con ello o no, de momento aquí queda el registro.

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