Since 2019, I have been part of the Programming Department of the LGTBI Center of Barcelona, formulating and promoting proposals, and working on the creation, idea, and conceptualization of the programming cycles of the LGTBI Center of Barcelona. I constantly rethink and review the LGTBI acronym and the role of this institutional space. I create spaces for dialogue, thought, and action on affective, sexual, and gender diversities, as well as their intersection with other identities and structures of oppression (beyond purely LGTBI+ identity) through various activities such as exhibitions, roundtables, conferences, workshops, film cycles, etc. I also contribute to the development and facilitation of community action projects and non-formal education.
Below, you can find the programs of all the cycles in which I have participated (in catalan):
2023 – Our Bodies are Battlefields
2022 – Spiritualities
2022 – Invisibilities
2022 – Corporealities
2021/2022 – Memory. Absences and Presences
2021 – LGTBI+ Youth
2020 – Autumn. Narratives on Gender Identity
2020 – LGTBI Interculturality. Dialogues for a Plural Memory
2019/2020 – Positive People. HIV and AIDS. Local Stories of a Global History