NoSymmetries – Symposium

Curatorial panel / Research group

How not to see as the State

Research and artistic production

Fight against planned obsolescence

Computer Repair Workshop

A dance and a prison cell; sex work and dissidences

Working group

Monstrux A/V Show


Inhabit and (dis)appear

A viewing cycle, ARES Archive

Dones Visuals - Dies d'Indústria

Live Cycle: Dones visuals

Live Cinema session / VJ set

Them, All Magazine

Queer Net Art histories and maga/zines

A body of one’s own

8M program

Spells and dissidences

Queer spiritualities

Stories and songs. An LGTBIQA+ look at popular music

Popular music workshop

Ullal Festival


Viu series: Livecinema

Closing session: Livecinema and live music in colective.

Metaversos 3.0

Talk at the WOS Fest Galicia

Going beyond bodies and gender in techno-political visibilities

Conversation / dialogue to address a techno-diversity represented in images and blurred subjects.

Trans identities in prison

Talk at the Transfeminist Anti-Prison Days.


Counter-navigation on the internet .

Without anti-speciesism there is no anthropocene to endure

This text has been written for the publication Parole de Queer Antiespecista, which dedicates its latest special issue “10 Years”

Poetics / Politics


Possible future utopias from art

Debate day

IRIS Dissident Bodies

Art and education.

Antispeciesist narratives in contemporary art practices

Other Agencies against Homonationalism

Curator for the Musea M.A.M.I.

LGTBI Voices

Translocal mobility and cultural and political activism.

The body that I live in. Writing from sex-gender fissure

Poetic text in prose-verse for the Sexualities monographic.

Self-Portrait as a Fountain

About masculinity through my body and my trans subjectivity.

About molecules and transmutations


Racism Crisis


Technology and Cyberfeminism

Round table on feminist projects that are developed through different technologies.

The Crossing

Visual design, multi-screen projections with real-time video for the collaborative piece of theatre “La Travessia”. “La Travessia is a production

Trans* Demonstration

Video and sound edition and post-production.


Locative media + Digital arts + Social action

In Living Memory II

Scenic arts and real-time video workshops.

In Living Memory III

Scenic arts and real-time video workshops.


Errors and failures in the creation, experimentation and learning processes.

trans | gender | glitch

To live in the interface, Interface?

In Living Memory I

Performing Arts Workshop and real-time video.

(To be) Molecular

Poetic experience about my interface-body and the codes thats conform me.

Molecular exchanges at the level of the epidermis

Intimate and profound story about my feelings – my fuck.

Please wait…

Zen video from / for solitude in front of the screen.

To shave like a real man

Hacked video tutorial

Mapping net anarquives

Collaborative wiki on cartography and online archives in social contexts.

Free Pussy Riot cyberprotest

Online cyber protest online, creative coding from freedom.


Feminist transdisciplinary collective of mediation and creation.

Creative Terror

Set of artistic practices of different nature that arise in times of crisis.

From my window

The act of observing and recording blend together into an eye-machine

Île de Baure

Action-sculpture collecting hidden waste on a small island of the Loire River.

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