- Cultural programming
- Projects
- NoSymmetries – Symposium
- How not to see as the State
- Fight against planned obsolescence
- Monstrux A/V Show
- Inhabit and (dis)appear
- A dance and a prison cell; sex work and dissidences
- Live Cycle: Dones visuals
- A body of one’s own
- Spells and dissidences
- Stories and songs. An LGTBIQA+ look at popular music
- Ullal Festival
- Viu series: Livecinema
- Going beyond bodies and gender in techno-political visibilities
- Metaversos 3.0
- Going beyond bodies and gender in techno-political visibilities
- Trans identities in prison
- Deinstitution
- Without anti-speciesism there is no anthropocene to endure
- Poetics / Politics
- Possible future utopias from art
- IRIS Dissident Bodies
- Antispeciesist narratives in contemporary art practices
- Other Agencies against Homonationalism
- The body that I live in. Writing from sex-gender fissure
- Self-Portrait as a Fountain
- Racism Crisis
- Technology and Cyberfeminism
- The Crossing
- Trans* Demonstration
- In Living Memory III
- Geoartivisms
- #Error
- In Living Memory II
- In Living Memory I
- trans | gender | glitch
- (To be) Molecular
- Molecular exchanges at the level of the epidermis
- Free Pussy Riot cyberprotest
- Please wait…
- To shave like a real man
- Constelaciones
- From my window
- Creative Terror
- Île de Baure
- Binnacle
- Bio
- Con_tact