Update: The group / project Constelaciones remained active from 2012 to 2016, where we suffered a forced dispersal. The invested hours of life and the lack of funding support made us gradually dissolved out in other projects / practices / paid works that would allow us to live. We never know if at any moment we will re-emerge as a phoenix … for the moment we remain in a state of dispersion.
Here is the information / history / archive of what we were and what we did (today the web no longer exists):
Constelaciones are a feminist collective of contemporary praxis that works around locative media at their intersection with digital arts and social action. We promote a mediating transdisciplinary experimental epistemic community in neighborhoods whose reconversion and gentrification plans reduce places of confluence in public space. Our main objective is to spread the need for reappropriation of public space online and offline in the context, and to do this, demonstrate the possibilities of locative media when connecting fragmented local environments.
We developed a line of applied research around these epistemological axes materialized among other devices in a wiki [Mapping net files – Mapeando netanarchivos]. We are also launching a series of improbable meetings between different agents in the same neighborhood around the generation of a collaborative online platform for sharing documentation on reconversion. This is accompanied by collective routes of critical mapping of problems and needs of the neighborhood and the holding of digital training workshops and access to free technologies. During 2015 Constelaciones has been a resident in Hangar within the framework of the Applied Research program.
Where we come from, where we are going …
We approach digital media from documentary, audiovisual, cultural management and digital arts. We are united by the desire to participate in projects that interrelate art, science, technology and society. We work from various artistic production nodes connecting local areas through communication projects.
Our projects are aimed at promoting agitation and public intervention. To do this, we put in place participatory mediation devices that promote reflection, critical thinking and social action. We are interested in focusing on the processes, devices, and methodologies and not on the final result of the projects we coordinate.
We often work with technologies, digital tools and codes, understood as permeable languages and loaded with discursive content through which to communicate our processes. Through them we create accessible devices open to interaction, or we manipulate and incite hacking, the intervention of tools that were not created for this purpose.
Applied Research program in Hangar. Barcelona, 2015.
Grant Art for Social Action of La Caixa, 2015.
Applied Research program in Hangar. Barcelona, 2013.
Injuve Prize for young creation, 2012.
Asociación Espacio Plaza financial support, 2012.
ACVic’s residence, Centre d’Arts Contemporànies y VIT, Vic Integració Tecnológica. 2012.
Grant Culture Factories, Ikertu modality, Departamento de Cultura del Gobierno Vasco, 2011.
Poblenou Hàbitat Creatiu, Can Felipa, 2015.
Itinerancias Injuve 2013.
Visual Arts Injuve 2012. Tabacalera, Madrid.
Digital Nights. Electronic Arts cycle of Vic. 2012.
Constelaciones residence presentation, Hangar, 2015.
Geoartivismos, Hangar, 2015. —>>> programa here
Constelaciones presentation, Poblenou Openlabs, Hangar, 2015.
II Confluence Arquives Eix Pere IV, Hangar, 2015
Festival Ús Barcelona, 2015.
I Confluence of Arquives Eix Pere IV, Hangar, 2015
20th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA2014), Dubai.
III Webdoc meeting: No fiction and internet, organized by webdoc.cat , 2013.
1st Internacional Congress of Critical Cartography of Art and Visuality in the Global Age, organizado por Global Art Arquive. Barcelona, 2013.
I & II Webdoc Creators meet in Barcelona, 2013.
Poblenou Open workshops, 2013.
MeetCommons, organized by ThinkCommons. Bilbao, 2013.
P2P WikiSprint. Around the world! 2013.
Open night. Bilbao, 2012.
Cultural Forum of Barrios Altos, organized by Asociación espacio Plaza. Bilbao, 2012.
Goteo Euskadi, 2012.
Feira Imaxinaria, into Summer of labs network. alg-a Lab, Vigo, 2012.
Taula Eix Pere IV Poblenou, Barcelona.
Pla Comunitari del Remei i Xarxa Òmnia de Vic.
Lan Irekia, Plataforma para el desarrollo de iniciativas ciudadanas.
Constelaciones organiza el Encuentro Geoartivismos, en Webdocs. Historias del siglo XXI.
Investigadores Grid Spinoza, Hangar Research.
La ciudad a través de las prácticas instituyentes.
Constelaciones online en La teixidora.
Reactivar l’espai del Poblenou per fer-lo més viu que mai. Entrevista al colectivo Constelaciones en El Poblenou.
Project coordinators:
Xeito Fole, Rita Buil, Andrea Olmedo
Access to the image archive of Constelaciones: Colectivo Constelaciones Flickr