“Trash represents on the dark side of abundance”
Ha Schuldt
L’île de Baure is a small island located in the center of the Loire region, Maine-et-Loire (France). The island is 500 meters long and 100 meters wide, 27 meters above sea level and about 2 meters above the river. It is uninhabited and covered with forest in almost its entirety.
The Île de Baure project is an action for cleaning and collecting all the garbage on the island and the subsequent construction of a sculptural piece with only this waste. A bucket placed at the top violently pours the waste in the most central and visible area, showing the amount of waste that has accumulated on an island so small that it is part of the natural landscape on the Loire River.
In the lower part a sign says:
“Interdit a tous véhicules, a toutes motos et cyclomoteurs, autorisé seulement aux piétons et vélos” (Prohibited the passage to vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds, only authorized for pedestrians and bicycles).
Poster-garbage that in this context acquires a new meaning about the situation it presents.