• Metaversos 3.0

Metaversos 3.0

The WOS Talks x Fest Galicia, is a space for debate and thought, where to shed light and generate questions about the present and future of artists, culture and the world before the arrival of the so-called “Internet of things”, capable of altering any context in its path, and within a year that has redefined our lives and has led us to reflect on paradigm shifts.

The internet of things, Web 3.0, promises autonomy and decentralization, and given this, we must look for what is utopian and what is real. In the WOS Talks x Fest Galicia 3.0: Zoom in an attempt is made, from different points of view, to know what is going to happen to culture and its distribution, observing its eminently global dimensions. We will do it with three talks: Artists 3.0, Culture 3.0 and Metaverses 3.0.

As we go into the different metaverses and digital universes… will we stop wanting to change the real world? The new technologies that build the next artistic and cultural revolutions directly affect the sustainability of our planet and energy consumption, generating doubts and problems. And the changes of thought that they promote promise us a liquid and fluid future where identity, gender and ideology will no longer make little sense.

In this open talk we will try to delve together with the researcher Gema FB Martin, the Feminist Ontologies collective and the multimedia artist Xeito Fole in the complications, both ethical, social and environmental, and new utopias that will host web 3.0 and synthetic realities.

Participate: Gema FB Martin, Xeito Fole and Ontologías Feministas
Moderate: Cora Novoa and Frankie Pizá

Date: 2021 Exhibition: Cidade da Cultura, Santiago de Compostela Skills: Multimedia, Research
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