Molecular exchanges at the level of the epidermis

Molecular exchanges at the level of the epidermis, it’s the name of the story with which I launched the proposal of Relatos Marranos, a small intimate and profound story. Here, some words that I have written about the narrative at the time of the presentation:

“This text is a real story, the result of the exercise of putting words to my feelings, my pleasure and my desire when I’m fucking, trying to capture everything that is my world at the time of sex, when I’m sharing the body with another person, from my deepest myself. When I wrote it, I felt it immediately, that’s how I live sex.”

About the project:
Relatos Marranos, Anthology. VVAA (spanish)

This is not a book about sexuality. Here you will not find models, studies, guides or opinions. What we propose are experiences, imaginations, embodied longings, desires, perversions, emotions… finally wishes, or doors that open to desire.

We invite you to a journey through delicious aberrations that question the imperturbable bodies to the flow of time and desire. The sirens that guide you will be naked voices of decency, singing the old song that says that whoever has a body has a desire, old, fat, faggot, dyke, trans, anorexic, diffuse, incomplete, out of place… More of 30 authors and illustrators participate in this anthology promoted and edited by Helen Torres and Aida I. de Prada.

Check here the blog of the project that has allowed this publication: Relatos Marranos. “

Relatos marranos

Date: 2014 Exhibition: Published in Relatos Marranos. Antología. Skills: Writing
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