• Without anti-speciesism there is no anthropocene to endure

Without anti-speciesism there is no anthropocene to endure

This text has been written for the publication Parole de Queer Antiespecista, which dedicates its latest special issue “10 Years” to the intersection between transfeminism and anti-speciesism. Here are some words from Parole de Queer about this issue and its political implications:

This year, Parole de Queer celebrates its 10th anniversary. And we want to commemorate this milestone with a new printed edition of the magazine. It‘s a very special issue for us, entirely dedicated to the transfeminist anti-speciesist transition.
10 years after the adventure of starting the first parole, we believe it is crucial to reclaim this alliance between transfeminism and anti-speciesism, which, although not new, seems to be forgotten.

In the following link, you can read the editorial of this issue: “Del privilegio se sale” (You can overcome privilege), and on the same website, you can access the online publication (in spanish).

Exhibition: 2019 Skills: Writing
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