
Xeito Fole, queer artist, researcher and cultural agitator. Their artistic practices focus on questioning network culture, digital media, and their impact on the representation of identities on the internet, highlighting projects that challenge hegemonic identities based on the sex-gender and species system.

The projects they develop often have a critical perspective with a cross-disciplinary approach encompassing art, activism, cultural policies, and education. Their work presents itself as an experimental and experiential dialogue that emerges from their political practice, fragmented methodologies, and creative processes, resulting in audiovisual pieces, websites, talks, workshops, texts, and/or exhibitions.

A cultural worker who assembles transfeminist policies, artistic education, and creative methodologies as a driving force for thinking and acting at a social level. They are a trainer, consultant, and cultural programmer with expertise in feminisms and LGBTQIA+ with working-class perspective.

They live and think slowly, as a principle and creative methodology in resistance to neoliberal speed and ruthless capitalism, prioritizing the care of their comrades and friends over the atomization of wage labor and productivity.

As a cultural worker, they were part of the Programming Area of the LGTBI Center of Barcelona from 2019 to 2023, formulating and promoting proposals for social intervention and working on the creation, idea, and conceptualization of the Center’s programming cycles, constantly rethinking and revising the LGTBI acronym and the role of this institutional space. During this period, they were also a coordinator and facilitator of the Group for trans* and non-binary individuals at the LGTBI Center of Barcelona.

During this period, in 2022, they co-curated with Julia Pardo the exhibition Spells and Dissidences about queer spiritualities.

They were a project coordinator at Acathi Association (Migration, refuge and LGBTQIA+ diversity) during the years 2017-2019. There, they coordinated the Accompaniment Group for trans* individuals in prisons in Catalonia (later expanded to LGBTQIA+ people). They were part of the working group for the review of the “Resource guide for trans* individuals in the city of Barcelona” (2019).

They participate in various collective projects such as Cicle Viu (2022-2023), creating a bridge between the experimental narratives of pioneering directors from the first half of the 20th century and the present, through Live Cinema sessions. VOCES LGTBI+ (2018) a documentary project that includes a series of interviews with refugees due to reasons of sexual or gender identity, in collaboration with iDensitat. They have worked on real-time video and archival images for collective performing arts works such as “La Travessia” (2016) or “In Living Memory” (2015).

They are a co-founder of the Constelaciones Collective along with Rita Buil and Andrea Olmedo, active between the years 2012 and 2016. They were a resident at Hangar (Barcelona, 2015) in the applied research program with an Art for Social Improvement scholarship from La Caixa. From there, they created the Geoartivismos Meeting: Locative media, digital arts, and social action (2015), and were awarded by Injuve (2012), the same year they were residents at the Center of Contemporary Arts in Vic.

In recent years, they have participated in various discussions such as “Metaversos 3.0” (WOS Festival, 2021), “Going beyond bodies and gender in technopolitical visibilities” at Immaterial, an encounter about digitally mediated realities (Tabakalera, 2020), “Trans identities in Prison” at the Transfeminist Antiprison Days (EKO, 2021), “Possible future utopias from art” at the Debate Day The Tentacles of PostAnthropocentrism (Grup AVA, 2019), and “Antispeciesist narratives in contemporary artistic practices” (6th Conference for European Association for Critical Animal Studies, 2019).

They have participated in exhibitions such as “The institution inside me” (Mostra FemArt, 2020), Performacula Cycle – Transborder performance and politics festival (Quito, 2020), Translucent Performance (London, 2019), ICE – TransMarikaBollo Film Festival (Barcelona, 2018), “Diversity, gender, and sexualities” Exhibition (Porto, 2018), Bizarra Exhibition – Jornadas Bizarras Jardunaldiak (Iruñea, 2018), Marrana Exhibition (Ecuador, 2016).

They hold a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from the University of Vigo (2005-2010), and a Master’s degree in Digital Arts from the Pompeu Fabra University (2010-2011).


non ten xeito

It is a Galician* colloquial expression that includes a great variety of contextual connotations. There is no exact equivalent in other languages. To approximate its meaning it can be translated as “no way”, “no place or no mode” or “makes no sense”.

Non ten xeito is my identity, the only one with which I feel somewhere.

It is a state of non-conformity that makes me position myself on a fuzzy boundary between myself and my representation, where no definition fits, always in constant change.

It is an expression referring to something of a strange nature and difficult to adapt to that which I appropriate.
It is my emergency exit.

non ten xeito is the way to face/survive/produce without losing the irony that the show already has.

* In the Galician-Portuguese expression of the territory of Portugal: não tem jeito.

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